Our Purpose

About Us

Vision : Make Sports a way of life !

Mission : Our mission is to develop life skills in individuals through the power of Physical Education and Sports.

For the past 44 years, people behind it are working tirelessly, endeavouring its bit in promoting Sports and Games in India.

The members feel elevated, when they see that they have been able to “make a difference” in Schools, Colleges, Universities and Communities, through the power of Physical Education.

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Sports Advocacy

Sports Policy Making

Sports Policy Making

Noteworthy Contributions

  • Committee member mainstreaming physical education in CBSE
  • Committee member National Level Screening Committee for Teacher Award… 

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PEC Primary

PEC Primary

PEC Program for Primary Children

This is the first focused approach at the grassroots level. It’s an efficient way of providing rich, experiences in Physical Education classes. The structured approach…

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PEC Secondary

PEC Secondary

PEC Program for Secondary Children

PEC Secondary is a L E A P forward for students studying at secondary level. Here the opportunities are provided to students for activities exposed to them…

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Soft Skill


Leadership is not something which one can study and pass. There are tons of stones to be unturned, to see the silver lining of ‘leadership’

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Communication is a skill that you can learn. It’s like riding a bicycle or typing. If you’re willing to work at it, you can rapidly improve the quality…

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Team Building

Teamwork is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results !

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Make Sports a way of life !

Sports Event Management

Organisation of Tournaments

In any sporting event, it does not matter who wins or looses, what matters most is the participation.

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Dedicated Sports Leagues

You ask any band of youngsters (any age group), which sports you play / watch the most ..

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Campus Olympic

India is no more a country of snake charmers, chaos, dirt and violence. Today’s India is different because…

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