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Company Profile
For the past more than five decades the old students of Lakshmibai College of
Physical Education (now LNIPE) Gwalior are working tirelessly, endeavouring their
bit in promoting Physical Education and Sports in India.
In the year 1996, the Alumni association transformed itself to a
professional body, Physical Education Congress (PEC) INDIA, with a vision to
diversify PE and Sports across Pan-Asia, and started
co-opting Sharp minded energetic and passionate PE and Sports professionals from
other colleges and universities.

Event Management
Make Sports-a Way of Life

Organisation of Tournaments
In any sporting event, it does not matter who wins or looses, what matters most is the participation...
Dedicated Sports Leagues
You ask any band of youngsters (any age group), which sport do you play / watch the most...
Campus Olympic
India is no more a country of snake charmers, chaos, dirt and violence. Today’s India is different because…Soft Skills
Crafting Champions

Leadership is not something which one can study and pass. There are tons of stones to be unturned, to see the silver lining of ‘leadership’
Communication is a skill that one can learn. It’s like riding a bicycle or typing. If you’re willing to work at it, one can rapidly improve the quality…