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Team Building


Team Building

Team building skills are crucial for students as they learn to collaborate, communicate effectively, and work towards common goals. Here are some key team building skills that students can develop:

Communication: Effective communication is essential for successful teamwork. Encourage students to express their ideas clearly, listen actively to others, and ask questions to ensure understanding.
Collaboration: Teach students to work together harmoniously by sharing responsibilities, coordinating efforts, and leveraging each other's strengths. Emphasize the importance of teamwork over individual achievement.
Conflict Resolution: Help students develop skills to manage conflicts constructively within a team. Teach them techniques for resolving disagreements respectfully, finding common ground, and moving forward with a shared purpose.
Leadership and Followership: Encourage students to take on leadership roles when appropriate and to support and follow others as needed. Emphasize the importance of effective leadership and followership in achieving team goals.
Trust Building: Foster an environment of trust and mutual respect within teams. Encourage students to be reliable, honest, and supportive of their teammates, building trust through their actions and words.
Problem Solving: Equip students with problem-solving skills to overcome challenges and obstacles as a team. Teach them to analyze problems, brainstorm solutions collaboratively, and implement effective strategies.
Goal Setting: Help students to set clear and achievable goals for their team projects or activities. Encourage them to establish timelines, prioritize tasks, and track progress towards their objectives.
Adaptability: Teach students to adapt to changing circumstances and unexpected challenges as a team. Encourage flexibility, creativity, and resilience in the face of adversity.
Active Participation: Encourage all team members to actively contribute their ideas, skills, and efforts toward the team's objectives. Create opportunities for each student to play a meaningful role within the team.
Celebrating Success: Recognize and celebrate achievements and milestones as a team. Encourage students to acknowledge each other's contributions and to take pride in their collective accomplishments.
Empathy and Understanding: Foster empathy and understanding among team members by encouraging them to consider each other's perspectives, experiences, and feelings. Help students develop a sense of camaraderie and support within their teams.
Reflection and Feedback: Encourage students to reflect on their team experiences and provide feedback to each other. Facilitate discussions about what went well, what could be improved, and how they can continue to grow as a team.
By developing these team building skills, students can become effective collaborators, problem solvers, and leaders, preparing them for success in their academic and future professional endeavors.
Do you want to improve it ?, we have customised workshop as per your level and needs.

Who should participate ?

Children Studying at secondary, senior secondary level, in service teachers teaching working at upper primary and secondary level , Future teachers ( students studying in teacher training colleges, Physical Education Colleges, DIETS and students pursuing MPEd ) who believe in transforming lives through the power of movement.


Workshop with activities, motivating videos, framework of leadership, the practical orientation of the skills, case studies.

Benefitted audience after workshop

Students in the age 15+, in services and future teachers Teachers, Corporate Professionals and persons who believe in taking proactive steps to mould their future.

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